Transformed by Birth

Explore, discuss, and dance with the stories and concepts in Transformed by Birth.

  • Week One: Introduction & Chapters 1-3 (Introduction of the 8 ideals of the Overculture)

  • Week Two: Chapters 4-7 (Dive into the Labyrinth, Artemis/Apollo, Pain and Support)

  • Week Three: Chapters 8-10 (Loss of innocence, Journey to the Underworld, and letting go of perfection)

  • Week Four: Chapters 11-14 and Epilogue (Early parenthood, partnership, and transformation integration)

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“As a midwife, I’m thrilled to finally have a book to confidently recommend for all of my pregnant and parenting clients!This book will blow your heart open and leave you confidently on the threshold of transformation, ready for whatever comes your way as you grow your family.”